This week and next, USOUNDS will be doing it’s 77th annual clearout, where we review random selections of the millions of CDs, LPs, DVDs, promotional matchbooks, etc. that get sent our way. Our top reviewers come together to give their opinion on bands from all over the world, unsigned, self-produced, international superstars, indie rockers, etc. etc.

Watch this Space!

USOUNDS summer vacation

It’s not summer, and it’s not actually a vacation, but in any case we’ll resume publishing on October 9th. Until then, please peruse the archives, tons of fantastic and inspirational Christian rock articles await your readership.

Oh, and feel free to use the comments section to link to whatever you wish– have at it, friends.

Report for USOUNDS

USOUNDS is seeking writers from around the world to contribute Scene Reports (click on “travel” on the right menu to get an idea) from your town. Let us know about bars, bands, shops, rare Citroen dealerships, etc. Just email our editor, Erich Redson at eredson (@) and he’ll hook you up with a massive expense account, wireless mobile telephone, and other perks of the webzine biz.

Coming Soon on USOUNDS

Interviews with: The Strokes, The Shins, Citroen Fanatics, Cornelius, Dave Cass, Via Tania, and more…

Reviews of: Talib Kweli, Johnny Cash.

Mp3s as wide and varied as life itself.

–E. Redson