News Highlights

Preview the new Dungan album, Tio Bitar HERE.  There’s also an mp3 download for the song “Familj”.


What the world needs now is another remix of Sufjan Steven’s Chicago.

Did you know that Kinski is on tour with Tool? More on that at Sub Pop.

NME reports that The Cribs’ new video for “Men’s Needs” has been banned from MTV2 due to graphic nature.  Ross Jarman’s arm is sliced off and bassist Ryan Jarman is beheaded.  Much to Edward I’s dismay, their next vid will not feature band members being drawn and quartered as originally scheduled.


Also on NMEArcade Fire have asked Calexico to cover one of their songs (Ocean of Noise) for their next release.  Download the NME Media player to hear a clip.

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