News Highlights

Remember when Iggy Pop sang, “My Dick is Turning into a Tree”?  Well, that’s a fresh lyric off the newest Stooges album and Nme posted an article today about the importance of Iggy’s wood (to him).  Also, he has a coniferous Coast Redwood brewin’ down there.


Sub Pop’s best worst band name winners have been announced HERE.  Sorry, MC Vagina, maybe next year.

Check out new videos for The Shout Out Louds and Dizee “your head splits like banana” Rascal.

Ted Leo will be making a guest appearance on MTV’s sketch comedy Human Giant this Thursday, May 3rd at 10:30 pm.

Human G

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One thought on “News Highlights

  1. I’ve been watching Human Giant for a couple of weeks now. And it’s actually pretty freakin’ rad! I was surprised that Mtv had a show on that didn’t involve 15 yr old girls tanning and talking about how thier birthday is going to be the biggest thing since studio 54. Check it out.

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