Guided By Voices MP3 Review by Chaz Bartok

chaz bartok

So last week the weather was so sweet, I decided to jump in my ‘am, fire up the built-in bong, and drive a few ladies down to the turtle races and wet-t-shirt contests. The usual suspects were blasting in the high-fi, til one of the ladies (either Jenn or Kendall, can’t remember which one) starts whining that I listen to too much G ‘n’ R, Black Sabbath, Led Zep and other shit from the olden days, and that I was swerving all over the road. Well honey, I says, I can’t do nothin’ bout the swervin’ but I can play you the new GBV single, “My Kind of Soldier.” Shit ain’t even come out yet it’s so new…

You can listen too: Guided By Voices “My Kind of Solider” mp3

Double Royksopp Mp3 Review by Terrence, American Buddhist

I was recently visiting the monastery of an old friend in Vancouver, when I stumbled over the following Zen saying:

If you understand, things are just as they are… If you do not understand, things are just as they are….

Immediately my mind lit upon the Norwegian band Royksopp. Whether you like them, or don’t like them, there they are… creating polytextured beats for anyone to hear. When I listen to their music, I feel as though I’m the most sensational organic chemist who ever lived, relaxing in my mountain-top lounge with a large, machine-rolled joint of organic B.C. kush. Perhaps the reason I feel this way is that this is exactly what I’m doing at the moment, subtracting everything but the organic B.C. kush. In any case, I have located the first two songs from the Melody AM album and posted them here for you to enjoy, or not to enjoy. Either way, here they are:

So Easy

The Pharcyde mp3

The Pharcyde are back… Epitonic says: Imani and Bootie Brown turned in “Funny Styles” for the extra-hype Beats and Lyrics compilation of West Coast hip hop. The ‘Cyde also reappeared in the underground recently with the independently released EP Testing The Waters, and word on the street is they are in the process of recording an album with Bay Area Hiero counterparts Souls Of Mischief.

The Pharcyde on