Queen Concert Review by DJ Shannon Sauter

Flashback to 1975.

I was 3. Queen’s “A Night at the Opera” came out. I would choose this tour as my “If I could go back in time, I’d attend ____ concert.”

Flash-forward to Queen’s show in Seattle on April 10th: I don’t know what I expected. A fun sing-along? A super sexy mullet parade and countdown? (Last count was 17 and only 2 women).
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Beck Guerolito by Phil Roylance

My friend and yours, Beck, has been whipping out albums for more than a decade now, and as far as this cracker is concerned, not a one has been raunchy, and he follows the mood of this statement with the release of Guerolito. What makes this album truly especial is that it’s good… I mean silly good… as a remix album. You just spewed Scooby-Doo Berry Bones all over your keyboard, didn’t you?
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Munich Single by DJ Shannon Sauter

The opening lyrics “I’m so glad I found this. I’m so glad I did” almost sum up how I felt discovering Editors’ new single, ‘Munich.’ It’s a must-have track, ricocheting infectious grooves against indie-goth riffs. Surprisingly in the midst of copycat ‘80s reject bands, Editors stand out as amazing songwriters and not posers. After picking up where Interpol left off in their somewhat ode to Joy Division, ‘Munich’ makes me stand up and say “Interpol who?”

“Munich” released January 2nd, 2006:
Real Player
Windows Media

Animal Collective Feels by Shane Mehling

Remember when the world drained their pocketbooks to the tune of half a billion dollars to see a movie that proved beyond a reasonable doubt that if a meteor is headed towards Earth, it’s easier to teach a bunch of rag tag oil rats to float in space than to teach scientists and astronauts how to use a fucking drill? The movie was Armageddon, and that same year another movie came out that, while not going with the drilling angle, used the same basic idea- A meteor is hurtling towards our planet and it’s a big deal. This one actually hits us (thanks a pants load, President Freeman), but it’s pretty much the same damn movie.
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Recommended Listening

Every once in a while, we call out to our USOUNDS writers and editors and find out what they’re listening too. Hopefully you’ll find something you want to try out…

Terrence, American Buddhist
“Campfire Headphase” by Boards of Canada. If you’re a fan already, this is going to just make you happier. If you’re not, I suggest you become acquainted with the Buddha nature and the buddha sack.

Ric Befara
Lately I’ve just been grooving in Arabic Oud music. Of special note is “Oud Taksim” by George Abyad. Just beautiful, man.
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Welcome Lake Trout to the Machine

by Hadley Tomicki

Baltimore alternalists Lake Trout play visceral rock that you feel as much as rock to. Guitars buzz and grind, pulsing drums transport the subconscious to higher planes and Woody Ranere echoes his paranoid ruminations within gorgeous whispers and crys in Beatles-esque choruses. Swirling harmonies and experimental sonics chart course through the listeners’ nervous system, performing sweet sneak attacks on the ears, both hummable and head-banging. Oh, and a little tripped out. Their sound is hard to express in description, with most critics forcing their readership to imagine the three-headed love child of a slew of other bands.
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